Frequently Asked Questions
Here you should find the answer to any questions you still have as a host or guest on our platform - if not, please get in touch with as at
Host FAQs
Here Hosts can find the answer to their FAQs.
What does Nostos9 cost?
Nostos9 charges each party involved in a virtual booking 1 CHF. This means the inviting party of guests, the invited party of guests and each of the two hosting restaurants, bars or cafés pay 1 CHF once a virtual dining experience is completed. It is the hosts responsibility to add 1 CHF to the their guest's bill to be paid to Nostos9 after. There are no other costs involved in using the Nostos9 Virtual Fining Booking Platform.
Guest FAQs
Here Guests can find the answer to their FAQs.
What does Nostos9 cost?
Nostos9 charges each party involved in a virtual booking 1 CHF. This means the inviting party of guests, the invited party of guests and each of the two hosting restaurants, bars or cafés pay 1 CHF once a virtual dining experience is completed. It is the hosts responsibility to add the 1 CHF fee to your bill. There are no other costs involved in using the Nostos9 Virtual Fining Booking Platform.